Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Spring Cleaning Pinspiration

Well, spring has sprung in Oklahoma! I think (fingers crossed and knock on wood) the cold days are behind us and the forecast ahead looks spring-y.  The highs range from 65-80 (Oklahoma is crazy like that) and every few days there's 10-30% chances of rain.  The kids and I spent almost 2 hours at the park with my Mom today walking and playing and enjoying being in the fresh air and free from jackets.

As the cold weather makes it's exodus and the fresh breezes move in, I find myself getting that "nesting instinct" that comes with spring (or any time in your third trimester of pregnancy!).  I feel like it's been a few years since I've been able to do a solid "spring clean" in our home what with pregnancy, baby/pregnancy, young toddler/baby these last few years... but this year, I have nap time and with my diet I've started I notice I have more energy AND I need to avoid being too stationary and feeling the temptation to snack!  So the bug bit me and now I'm festering with "CLEAN AND ORGANIZE ALL THE THINGS!"

I want to minimize our clutter and maximize our storage.  I want to clean windows and pull weeds and plant seed.  I want to clean closets and bag up clothes for Goodwill and box up clothes J passes to E and then E outgrows (tear!).  I want to feel the sense of a fresh start spring offers.  The newness.  The rebirth.  The introduction to lazy, fun summer days...

Here's a little inspiration I've found on Pinterest lately.

I still have blank space above my kitchen cabinets.  What if I put rarely used kitchen items in pretty baskets and stuck them up there instead of wasting cabinet space with those items?

I have baskets under our master bath sink, but they've become SO disorganized!  I've never thought about building shelves there and maximizing the space!  Especially under the kitchen sink.  That is a LOT of wasted space!

My car is in SERIOUS need of a spring clean.  Complete with washing the car seats!  Also?  With J 2.5 now and E 17 months, we're at a point where I can start switching from diaper bag to purse depending the outing.  A little station in my car with diapers, wipes, sunscreen, extra socks, and other essentials all but eliminates the need for a diaper bag for most outings!

And lastly for now... I love this for pen storage stuck on the 'fridge! I'm always digging for pens when on the phone to Doctors and such.

So what about you? Are you all about spring cleaning, fresh starts, and a rush of hormones urging you to nest and tidy up your space?  What's your Pinspiration lately? I'm hoping with this new surge of energy (and time!) I'll be able to blog through my nesting (and more crafting!) journey.

1 comment:

Liz said...

Oooh goodness I'm in the same boat. I"m **trying** to hold off because I might be FINALLY getting my own apartment this spring. Moving would achieve spring cleaning/reorganizing it itself!