Monday, July 22, 2013

Little (life) Updates

Hello, friends! No recipes (but did you see my 0 point spinach smoothie and 1 point cauliflower posts below?) today.  No dieting and personal health mental breakthroughs to share.  Just the marrow of life.

My oldest son was sick with strep throat two weeks ago.  It was a rough time!  I was squeezing in runs when I could and trying to make healthy choices while also requesting my husband bring home dinner every night because I could barely put my boy down to go to the bathroom let alone cook!  That is when I upped my spinach smoothie intake.  It left me full and knowing I had eaten my proper portions of healthy things when I got a cheeseburger or chicken noodle soup for dinner.

J's strep wore off but by the middle of last week I was feeling pretty bad.  I chalked it up to allergies and kept moving.  Josh and I started doing a cardio plan with DVDs last week and we powered through and it felt great!  I had Wednesday and Thursday off which was enjoyable!  I also lost 2.8lbs last week which was awesome!  That put me at 166lbs which is 1lb shy of my highest weight ever - when I was in my second pregnancy with E and 265lbs.  So even though there was a baby in me, I can almost say I've lost 100lbs!  And I'm 11lbs from Lifetime at Weight Watchers - yay!

Anyway, Friday night we went out for pizza with Josh's parents.  We planned to work out after, but I just felt too tired.  The next day we were busy all day and by the time I finished the kids' baths at 7pm I was spent.  I asked Josh if he cared if I laid down and he put on a movie for the kids.  He woke me up at 8 to help with bedtime and I had a 100* fever and a raw throat.  I took myself straight to the weekend clinic in our city the next morning and sure enough! Strep throat! I was happy to have Sunday to rest and have Josh take care of the kids and prayed my antibiotic would kick in by today (so far it's kicked in a bit, but I still don't feel great or 100%).

I haven't worked out since Tuesday which feels SO weird!  I miss working out so much and am so ready to feel better and get started again tomorrow!

Aside from all this sickness, my big guy has a 3rd birthday in a few weeks and a birthday party in less than 2!  I've been pinning away for a robot themed party and sent my invitations to family and friends last week.  I can't wait to blog about his party because I think it's all going to be so cute!  Once I'm feeling better we'll be hitting up Hobby Lobby and aside from working out my free time during naps will be spent crafting banners and robots and streamers galore!

And the weekend before last we did a little update to our guys' room!  We moved out the crib for good and put in a twin bed for J.  He picked Jake & the Neverland Pirates bedding.  Our boys coslept so even though E is 21 months, he sleeps in a toddler bed already.  It was a much easier transition than to a crib which I would really recommend!  Actually, I've been thinking lately I should write a whole post on how we coslept and how we transitioned because it was hard finding information and I've love to help you if that's where you are!

Hope everyone is having a good Monday!

1 comment:

Liz said...

Excuse me while I steal your outfit....

Seriously. LOVE that outfit! You've just given me inspiration! My favorite summer outfit I've seen anywhere yet!