Monday, July 8, 2013

Nesting: Chalkboard Menu

With all the weightloss going on lately, most of my free money has gone to a completely new wardrobe (an expensive, but good problem to have).  I haven't bought much for my home lately or even given it much consideration.

Well, last week when I took the kids to Hobby Lobby for markers and paper machete treasure chests for a "color-your-own-treasure-chest-while-Mommy-cleans-all-the-things" craft I got the nesting itch.  There were so many cute things!  I needed it all!

Lucky for me, I had some store credit I had been saving.  While it might have been thriftier to use the credit on these craft supplies, I opted for the more selfish route (and yet, was it selfish? Because everyone wins, really) and filled cart with, like, 4 things.

(paper chain is our Disney World countdown- yay!)

Then I came to my sense and put 3/4 things back and stuck with this red chalkboard.  Our dining room wall is still needing more and I knew it'd be perfect with the red accents in our other art and it would look good near our red dresser we keep in the dining room (as a catch all - bleh).

It was $25, but half off so for $12.50 I felt like a winner.

I brought that baby home, hung it up, and voila!  A little change that goes a long way.  My husband loves it because he's obsessed with knowing ahead of time what we're eating and now he has the menu!  Although, wives be warned: husbands can be quite disappointed if your veer off schedule when they were looking forward to something else all day (unless the change is you're ordering a pizza... they never mind that).

I love it and I love having made a little change towards homeyness.  The downside?  Now the nesting bug has got me in a choke hold and I'm looking around and everything I need to do project-wise and I want to do it all right now!  Hopefully this means more blog posts are forthcoming.

...More than anything else I'm DYING to break out the sewing machine and tackle making a King sized duvet (my husband and I have had a king bed 2 years now and STILL use our queen duvet!).  Anthropologie hack? Yes, please!  Found HERE.

Happy Monday!

1 comment:

Kristina Grum said...

I LOVE it, Ashley! Are you using chalk or chalkboard markers?