Thursday, August 15, 2013

Gains, goals & giving in.

Just doing a little diet/weightloss/mental wellness check in.  How have y'all been doing with your weightloss?  I had two weeks of gains at Weight Watchers.  They were both small gains (half a pound), but it sucked none the less.  The first week I earned the gain.  I was sick and ate a burrito the size of my face and couldn't exercise for 5 days.  The second week I got back on track and worked really hard in my work outs and to control my eating, but I still gained!  

Five weeks ago I started T25 in addition to or instead of running.  That first week I was SORE but it felt good!  The second week I felt better doing it but missed running.  The third week is when I was sick too so I missed some days.  Week 4 I tried to do running and T25 which was just a hard work!  The thing I noticed that week is that my weight was up every day despite working hard and eating well.  Everything I read made me believe my muscles were just retaining water so I thought maybe that's why I gained last week.

This week for week 5 I've abondoned the official plan and routine of T25 to do my own thing.  Every other day I'm running at least 2 miles and then on the days I'm not running I'm doing T25 ab work and if I'm up to it I'm also doing the total body circuit or cardio routine.  And then Sunday and maybe Thursday I'm doing nothing and letting my body rest and recover and rebuild.

I took this photo of my abs last week.  I know they're not all that but for me to see lines and the faintest amount of definition blows me away!  Especially when I know all that was there before was just a big 'ole gut!   It makes me feel good.

For me with working out I had to stop and think what's more important to me right now: toning or hitting Lifetime at Weight Watchers?  Hitting Lifetime is the goal now and upping my exercise game even if that means putting on a little weight initially can be the next goal.  But that doesn't mean I stop working out!

At Weight Watchers last week I finally lost and my leader worked with my to do my official setting of my Lifetime weight!  I've been a "Weight Watcher" 3 times and have NEVER done this.  It felt amazing.  If this is your first, second, or tenth time on Weight Watchers just know this can be your time!  Even if you failed before and didn't make it, you can this time!  I'm 11lbs from this goal and although I know it'll be hard, I'd love to see myself make it by the time my baby turns 2 in the middle of October.

Also lately I broke a 10 minute mile!  That felt awesome!  Remember when I ran my first mile and it was in 16 minutes?  That was HARD but I was so proud!  If you had told me then I'd be under 10 5 months later I'd be like "Whhhhhaaat?!" But here I am!  Feels so good!

And lately there have been failings.  Yes, yes, yes.  We received bad news about my Father-in-law's cancer this week and how it's back and maybe something different.  That same day was full of a lot of other hard moments like getting locked out of my house while my toddlers were in it... and y'all, I ate some feelings.  They came in the form of sugary cereal and it wasn't worth it.  It didn't help.  It just made me feel like "all this hard work in exchange for a bowl of stupid cereal?!" But overcoming that addiction and bad habit takes time.  So if you're there and failing, don't fret because you will overcome!  As always I'm still just trying to find other, better coping mechanisms.

So that's a little update on me and my weightloss journey.  How are you doing?  Have you succeeded? Have you overcome a gaining holding pattern?  Have you sought comfort in food and felt so much regret?  Have you met a work out goal?  I hope you're doing great and if you're not doing great, I hope you're remembering positive self talk and treating tomorrow like a new day and and a new chance to do better!

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