Monday, October 1, 2012

31 Days of Disney World

I'm really excited to be linking up to The Nester for her 31 days series this October! So many bloggers are doing this, but if you're unfamiliar with what's happening, basically people are linking up and writing for all 31 days of October about one topic on their blog.  I've seen a lot of my favorites putting up their topics all day and was feeling sad not to have a niche when it hit me, "Um, duh, I know Disney World!"

For the 31 days of this month, I'm going to be talking about our family's favorite place in the whole entire world: Disney World!  We actually just got back from there a few weeks ago.  The trip we're returning from was my 7th, the Mister's 20th+ trip, J's 3rd trip (he's 2) and E's 2nd trip (he's 11 months!).  So yes, we love it.  And we love talking about it.  And I love helping people who are interested in it!  So for this month my plan is to enjoy talking about it each and every day.

I'm going to talk about our last trip, Disney World with toddlers, Disney World with babies, traveling to Disney World, when to go, money saving tips, how to make the trip easy for you, on-property resorts, Disney Vacation Club, and all my favorite things! I don't have an outline written up yet, so if you have a specific question, please feel free to ask me in the comments! I'd love to help anyone with any questions they have.  Hope you enjoy this series!

And P.S. I don't work for Disney nor am I paid by Disney to write about them.  I just love it.  ;)

Day 1 - Deciding When to Go
Day 2 - Tips for taking toddlers
Day 3 - One of my favorite "eats"
Day 4 - Tips for taking babies

1 comment:

Julie S. said...

WOW! I have only been once- when I was a senior in high school- and to downtown Disney like 2 years ago! :) My hubs has ABSOLUTELY no desire to go.... :(