Thursday, October 4, 2012

Homemade (quicky & easy!) Fish Sticks

*Linking this recipe to Kelly's Korner today because fish sticks make for great kid game watching finger-food! Boomer Sooner, baby!  ;)

Hi, friends! I'm swinging by this afternoon to share a quick and easy recipe I thought up last night.  This is for kids (or was at least intended to be for kids but after trying a bite, Josh proclaimed he'd eat them too), so I didn't figure out Weight Watcher point values.  They CAN'T be much though.

Anyway, last night I was making fish tacos which my toddlers hate so I wanted an option for them to go along with their rice that wasn't more chicken, so I thought I'd give homemade fish sticks a whirl with a few things I had on hand and they turned out great!

1 piece of tilapia (I only needed 1 which was about 4oz for my 2 guys because they're so young)
Extra virgin olive oil
Panko (about a tablespoon)
Italian bread crumbs (about 1/4 cup or so)

Since we're Oklahomans and our only fresh fish is catfish (not really, but basically), I first thawed my frozen tilapia.  Then, I cut it into small strips (about 1/2" wide/deep and 2" long).  I then rolled those strips in a little EVOO and then rolled them in a bowl where I had my Italian breadcrumbs and then put them on a sprayed baking sheet and sprinkled them with a little Panko for extra crunch.  You could probably mix the Panko and the breadcrumbs, but I remembered the Panko about half way through and didn't want to change it up.  Cook at 400 degrees for 25 minutes (or 20 but I'm a freak about things being well done in exchange for the bottom being a little burnt) and enjoy!

Personally, I thought they were a little dry and might have added a pinch of salt but Josh liked them and the kids did too and they don't need anymore salt anyway!  If you make these, please let me know!  I'd love to hear what you think!  :)

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